Click & Collect

I have chosen Click & Collect, when can I collect my order?

We will notify you via email/WhatsApp when your order is ready for collection. We generally need 1-2 working days to prepare your order. During sales and busy periods such as Ramadaan, Eid & Sale periods the lead time is 5-7 working days. 

What is the Click & Collect collection address?

The click and collect location is based in Central Durban, KZN. For safety and security purposes, the exact address will be provided to you when your order is ready for collection.                   

What are the collection times?

Mon- Thurs : 08:30am – 4:00pm

*CLOSED BETWEEN: 1:00 -1:30 pm on Mon-Thurs

Closed on weekends & Public Holidays 

Do I need to provide any details when collecting?

Yes, your #DDXXXX order number will need to be quoted upon collection.     

Can someone collect on my behalf?

Yes, you will need to provide them with your #DDXXXX order number.  

Do you have parking available?

We are located on a very busy street and due to our current parking limitations, we recommend giving us a quick call before heading in to collect your order. This way, we can ensure that your items are ready for you upon your arrival, saving you time and any hassle.